Cape York Trip 2008

This blog is going to be used to track the build up of our new 200 series Landcruiser and our preparation for our actual trip from Adelaide to Cairns, up to Cape York "The Tip" and finally back home to Adelaide.

We are leaving on 26th June 2008 and returning on the 27th July 2008

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Day 3 - Hughendon to Cairns

We packed up and set off from Hughendon around 9am.  Filled up with fuel to make sure of things and off we went.

The Kennedy development Road to "The Lynd" is again mostly dirt with some bitumen thrown in here and there.  Some quite rough and rocky bits but mostly in good order.  The amount of travellers was now get much more noticeable.

We stopped in at The Lynd roadhouse for lunch (with a bus load of tourists heading from Cairns to Darwin!). See below....

They specialise in Toyota - the only 4x4 to have in this part of the country.




Saw the odd cow!


We kept heading North. How good is the run up to Atherton?  We climbed really high and ended up in the clouds.  It was cold and quite windy up there.  Some nice views of their wind farm.  Check out the cows who were doing a climb of their own :)




We arrived in Cairns later in the afternoon and checked into the Coconut Resort Caravan Park.  Great place so far.  We are all set up and ready to pick up the girls who arrive tomorrow.

We have four days here to take in the delights of Cairns before we get on the road and head up North to The Cape.

1 comment:

John said...

Good to see you have made it so far already, I'm following your travels on Google Earth. I was amazed by how green it is up there! When does the 'green' start? Have you thought of sticking some thin rubber padding to the front of your trailer as it may be the stones hitting the metal and bouncing into your window that are causing the problem. John.